Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peel
What makes our peeling unique?
The Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling System is a timely and unique peeling treatment formulated for use in the professional clinic or doctor's office. The System is the most effective way to obtain a healthy, glowing, beautiful, young-looking and blemish-free skin.
The treatment produces a superior peeling that is totally safe and effective, and is therefore suitable for skins of all ages, types and color. All ingredients used in our peelings are of the finest medical grade quality and are approved by the FDA for use on the skin. The peeling can be applied to selected areas of the body as well as the face, neck and eyelids.
During the past number of years, we have tested several peeling agents and adapted the formulations to our own requirements. We use a sophisticated formula which has been personally refined. The System consists of a peeling formulation that has been carefully researched and developed. Layers of dead skin cells are exfoliated in a safe and controlled way and are replaced with skin that is more supple, elastic and firmer, with a smoother texture and stable moisture balance.
Our Skin Renewal Peeling is a deep, reliable exfoliation of the skin with no destruction of the living layers. It helps the rapid removal of several of the top dead cell layers and unlike many peeling treatments, does not remove even one layer of the epidermis. Only part of the dead, horny surface skin cells are exfoliated in a thin crusty layer. Other treatments may remove entire dead cell layers and go beyond into the living cell layers which can be affected and destroyed. Each of our peeling treatments in fact restores the skin, stimulating regrowth and the basal cells. Many skin layers are rejuvenated and thickened by the reaction triggered off by our peeling.
The process is recommended as a treatment for aging skin, especially the deep wrinkles on the upper lip. Our peeling works wonders for acne, pigmentation problems, blemishes, freckles and ageing skin. The effects of the process continue for up to a year after as collagen and elastin formation take place over time.
Most people initially require two to three Skin Renewal Peels to achieve the best result with this dramatically successful treatment. Thereafter, one annual maintenance peeling is recommended to maintain a fresh, smooth, glowing and problem free complexion. You will be guided and monitored through the peeling and the healing process by your skin care specialist.
This special tried and tested technique achieves a true rejuvenation of the skin resulting in the dramatic improvement in its elasticity, texture and color which is unsurpassed in the field of exfoliation. We are convinced that our skin renewal system is one of the most effective peeling systems available.
Our peeling treatment is unique to us and whilst others have tried to replicate our formula and modus operandi, they have been unsuccessful in doing so.
"The 'Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling System' is available worldwide for use by doctors, plastic surgeons, med spas and experienced qualified skin therapists.
An extensive two-day comprehensive training is mandatory in order to become an Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling provider. We ensure that all our providers are skilled and knowledgeable in the use of the system in its entirety. We value our sterling reputation, safety record and the satisfaction of your future peeling patients.
Herpes simplex/cold sores/ fever blisters or a history thereof unless taking an antiviral medication.
Severe cold or flu symptoms
Allergy to Resorcinol or Salicylic Acid (Aspirin)
Open wounds or lesions
Pregnant or nursing women
Accutane for the past 6-12 months
Sunburn, allergy, use of tanning bed
Cancer or patients using chemotherapy drugs, patients undergoing radiation and patients with an autoimmune disease.
“Sun Alert”: Because this product may make your skin more sensitive to the sun, be certain you have adequate sunscreen protection against UVA and UVB rays while using this product and for at least a month after you discontinue. This includes during cloudy days and during the winter months.
The use of this product is for trained professionals only.
If you are unsure about your allergy issues, always check with a health care professional before applying skin care products.
No depilatory creams or facial wax to be used 7 days prior to peeling.
May cause stinging, peeling, flaking, irritation, pruritus, erythema and mild edema.
Do not combine our peeling with other modalities.
Your client should not pick, scratch or scrub at the skin which could predispose to infection.
Our formulations are safely tested using human volunteers. We never test our cosmetic products on animals.
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Skin Renewal Peel
Buy 2 Save 10% $1530
Buy 3 Save 20% $2040
Lift the veil of an imperfect skin
Freckles, pigmentation and age spots are skin conditions which not only causes women a great deal of anguish but are enormously complex and difficult to treat. Consult with a qualified specialist in this regard. There are a number of causes of pigmentation, but they will always have UVR (ultraviolet rays) as part of the equation. The main causes of pigmentation may be one or more of the following:
•Trauma of the skin
•Ultraviolet Rays
•Vitamin A and C deficiencies and essential fatty acid deficiency causes cells to age
What is Chloasma and Melasma?
Both mean the same thing and are used when describing hormonal pigmentation that may be caused by pregnancy, ovarian or thyroid dysfunction, the contraceptive pill and other hormonal medications. “Chloasma” is the term most used to describe the occurrence of “Melasma” during pregnancy, known as the “pregnancy mask” or sometimes as the “butterfly mask”. Hormonal pigmentation is found in the central face and sun damage is most often found to the outer areas of the face towards the hairline.
Our Peeling and Pigmentation
Pigmentation due to trauma is generally irregularly shaped and found in places where trauma has occurred such as harsh dermabrasion, strong laser peelings or a deep chemical peeling which has damaged underlying tissue. In order to treat pigmentation successfully, the underlying cause needs to be correctly diagnosed. If there is repeated sun exposure, pregnancy or continuation of medications which cause photosensitizing, the pigmentation will return. Pigmentation in the skin from melasma will respond to peeling, provided that the melanocytic pigment is within the peel depth. Since photo damage varies and may extend below the peel depth, this will necessitate repeat peelings. The pigmentation may still be present after the initial peeling; however, the regeneration of a less pigmented epidermis will result in a lighter appearing skin. There are many known photo-sensitizers (too many to list) that may cause pigmentation or loss of pigmentation upon application and subsequent sun exposure.
How does our peeling reverse skin damage and aging?
During the exfoliation of the skin, the basal cells in the epidermis multiply at a great rate. This results in the production of young cells, not only in number but also a renewal of the basal layers of the epidermis. After peeling, this results in the thickening of the epidermis and more importantly, the thickening of the layers of living cells.
To clarify- Aging skin (whether caused by nature or the sun) has a decreased number of layers of living cells and an increased number of layers of dead horny cells. Peeling therefore restores the structures of the ageing epidermis to one resembling a more youthful skin. These effects constitute a genuine rejuvenation of epidermal tissue.
The multiplication of cells in both the epidermis and the dermis which happens during and after peeling, along with the stimulation of the blood supply, are not mere guesswork but have been confirmed by examination under a microscope of skin biopsies taken from volunteers throughout the exfoliation process. The stimulation and formation of new collagen and elastin resulting in the emergence of new plump skin cells continues over several months. This is why the skin looks better in the months after peeling is completed than it does straight after the peeling. The skin continues to improve up till one year after peeling.
How does our peeling treat Acne?
Acne is a disease of the skin that may result in severe scarring of the face, neck and back. It may persist for years, having adverse psychological effects including depression and withdrawal from society. Acne is most common in adolescence and early adulthood. Hormonal acne in women may smolder on for years. Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by dirty skin or un pure blood. It is a disorder of the pilo-sebaceous unit. This is made up of a hair follicle, sebaceous gland (oil) and a hair. In normal skin, sebum produced by the sebaceous glands combine within the hair follicle with cells being sloughed off. When it "fills up", the sebum spreads over the skin's surface. When this process works correctly, the skin remains moist and healthy. Pimples are the result of a sequence of events. There is an obstruction within the follicle itself. The sebum along with the dead cells, get trapped and dry out. This creates a plug obstructing the drainage of sebum. This is known as a whitehead. As sebum becomes older and drier, it becomes brown and presents as blackheads. There is a bacteria occurring normally on the surface of the skin and when oil is trapped in the follicle, the bacteria will grow into the blocked pore. The bacteria produces chemicals that alter the composition of the oil within the follicle, leading to inflammation and the formation of pus.
How does our "Skin Renewal Peeling" treat and rectify this problem? Through exfoliation and the stimulation of cell division in the basal epidermis cells, the treatment unplugs blocked pores and allows elimination of blackheads and closed comedones. These are the precursors of eruptive acne. In addition, skin oiliness which predisposes the skin to acne, is reduced. Peeling treatments can permanently control this disfiguring and confidence-destroying affliction. Acne patients should follow a comprehensive skin care regime prescribed by a skin care expert.
Skin Of Color
The color of skin depends mainly on melanin which is a dark brownish pigment, produced by cells called melanocytes. These cells are present in the skin’s cell producing layer deep in the epidermis. There are two types of melanin, black and red. All people have about the same number of melanocytes in their skin, but the melanocytes in dark skins are genetically programmed to produce more melanin, they are twice as big and are individually dispersed throughout the skin layers. The difference in skin color is the balance of black to red pigment.
There are estimated to be over 35 different shades of colored skins. The reason for such shade variability is the tendency of colored skins towards patches of hypo/hyper pigmentation caused by a variety of physical and chemical factors. Contrary to belief, black skins are as sensitive if not more so than white skins and very special precautions and care should be taken when peeling darker skins. Black skins are not thicker, oilier or tougher than white skins. They have a tendency to dryness due to the physical characteristics that restrict the skin’s ability to retain water. Research in the United States has shown that darker skins contain more densely compacted layers than lighter skins. In dark skins, the density of the outer layer effects lipids (skin oils), resulting in a higher flow and loss of water so colored skins suffer from dryness (ashy skin) and superficial dehydration more than Caucasians. Black skins also contain the lowest amount of ceramides. Daily use of a non- comedogenic cream is recommended to help reduce water loss and tolerance of products designed for a “normal skin”, may not be suitable due to tendency to sensitivity.
African skins must be treated as gently as possible and ultra violet light should be avoided at all costs during and post peeling. Melanin production is stimulated by ultra violet exposure and is rapidly converted to its darkest color. The total sun protection during and post peeling, cannot be stressed enough prior to embarking upon peeling. Once the skin peels off, the darker skins may get post inflammatory pigmentation. It is the normal result and reaction of the dark skin’s response to trauma, whether the skin is traumatized intentionally or unintentionally. There is an inflammatory response during peeling. Melanin is part of the skin barrier defense system and protects it against trauma. The surface is thinned and the formation of temporary pigmentation is nature’s way of protecting the skin, hence the formation of temporary post inflammatory pigmentation. This hyper pigmentation will fade and rectify over a period of time with the healthy growing cells rising up to the surface and the skin being desquamated, leaving behind a smooth, glowing and healthy complexion.
How will I look during the peeling process?
Before you begin, be prepared to hide for 5 days whilst you shed your unwanted skin. Our technique involves two separate applications of a special cream to the skin, 24 hours apart. Immediately after the first application, the skin is red but not unsightly.
After the third day however, it is a different story. The skin takes on a brownish tinge which darkens to its maximum intensity on the fourth day. It looks like a skier who has forgotten to protect himself from the sun and landed up with severe sunburn. The difference of course is that while the sunburn destroys the skin, the peeling restores it.
At the end of the fourth and on the fifth day, the skin begins to peel. On the sixth day, the remaining skin is removed by a therapist in a sterile environment. The peeling is safe and controlled and the skin is never raw. Nothing can go wrong because there is no destruction of the living cells. After cosmetic exfoliation, there is a brand new, glowing, smooth, fine textured skin complexion underneath resembling youthful skin. The new skin is sun sensitive and sunblock needs to be worn for a minimum of 2 months post peeling.
We recommend a peeling once a year to keep the complexion smooth and moist and to keep aging at bay.
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Get Glowing Peel
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Buy 6 $1050
What is the Elaine Brennan GetGlowing Micro-Peel?
The GetGlowing Micro-Peel is a treatment in which a cream is applied to the skin to encourage the exfoliation of dead skin cells and debris while stimulating the skin’s natural renewal process. The GetGlowing Micro-Peel is tailored to fit a client's individual skin type and long-term goals.
Why was the GetGlowing Micro-Peel Formulated?
This Micro-Peel was created for clients who cannot afford the down time of the Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling, as well as for clients looking for a less expensive option.
How does the GetGlowing Micro-Peel differ from the Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peel?
There is no comparison between the two peels and should not be confused with one another. The GetGlowing Micro-Peel is a mild peeling which will lightly exfoliate the skin leaving it refreshed and soft.
What results will I see?
The GetGlowing Micro-peel is designed to refine skin texture damaged by environmental factors and skin conditions such as acne. The procedure assists in smoothing fine lines and evening out skin discoloration. It improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of acne scars and environmental damage to the skin. With each additional Micro-Peel procedure, you will notice incremental improvements in the overall appearance of the skin.
How many treatments do clients need?
For maximum results, we recommend a series of Six GetGlowing Micro-Peel procedures in two-to-six-week intervals, depending on the skin type.
Will clients experience any downtime?
For approximately one week following the procedure, the skin will undergo a renewal process, lightly shedding its dead outer layer. Depending on the skin, clients may or may not experience peeling. If peeling occurs, it usually begins four to five days following the treatment and lasts for approximately three days. In addition, clients may experience mild itching, dryness and redness.
How long does the treatment take?
Approximately 75 to 90 min.